Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010: Lovin' it!

Christmas was full of blessings. Exhausting, of course! Funny how so much time and energy (and money) goes into the holiday and then its over in a blink of an eye. The Jersey kids enjoyed every minute up to it, which of course makes me feel young and alive. Cute tidbits of the day follow.
1. Tyler's heartbeat was a racin' on Christmas Eve. He was fast asleep, but so excited that his heartbeat was thumping away. Needless to say the excitement level was on nock 10 when he realized Santa came with presents for all.
2. Later that day, he began piling up some old toys that we could give to "those kids that didn't get anything." As, you can imagine, I bursted into tears.
3. Whoever invented zhu-zhu pets is a generous! The kids loved 'em. Santa loved the price tag and these lil' hamsters are scurrying all over our house! Not sure who is more entertained. The big kids, Jacob or the cat!
4. Santa was smart to bring the youngest member pampers or anything wrapped as the wrapping paper was Jacob's favorite thing to play with. And...two days later, Tyler & Cassie were making boats and cutting the boxes up for forts. The novelty of the "brand new toys' have started wearing off! HA!
5. While the kids have had their arguments over toys, they have played (surprisingly) good together.

We leave soon for our family vacation to Minnesota...and I'm not sure who is more excited. Needless to say a lil' getaway time is just what this family needs!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jersey Lessons

Three Jersey kids by the tree.
How did I ever get so lucky?
My 6-year-old, Tyler James is asking for Pokemon, Bakugun and zhu zhu pets. Again, how did I ever get so lucky that his requests are so simple and thankfully, easy on the pocketbook.
The girl in the house is asking for Barbies and zhu zhu pets and would be content with pretty much whatever Santa puts under the tree. We will treasure this for sure; someday this will change. Probably too soon for my liking.
Baby Jake can't talk yet, however his older siblings requested he get a pack of pampers, wipes, bath toys and sippie-cups! Santa smiles at this requests!!
Perhaps the best Christmas gift to me was a note Tyler wrote in his first grade classroom.
If I were a gift, I'd be money, so I could give it to a child who does not have any.
This made me cry. There are days that I feel that I'm not doing my job as a mother. Its when the child talks back, rolls his/her eyes, argues with their siblings and the list could go on and on. We've had a few too many days like this, and then this simple letter that Tyler wrote made me open my eyes and realize, I'm raising good kids, who are learning the true meaning of Christmas...and of life! Generosity and kindness go far in life kiddos! Atta boy Tyler for picking up on some of life's greatest lessons.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tyler's Christmas Program '10

Tyler had his Christmas program this morning and his father and me and baby Jacob were in attendance. I love Christmas music, but what is even sweeter is having your own child sing Christmas songs. Its pure sweetness. My husband smiled and kid me, "Whats wrong with you," when I teared up watching Tyler sing all his songs. I guess, they just grow up too quickly for my liking and I looked at baby Jake and thought, gosh soon it'll be him up there singing those songs. Makes me wanna hold my kids tight and generate a formula to slow down the aging process.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jersey blessings

Yes, I have a lot to be thankful this year. God is great!
My heart swells up, more times than not, because of the beautiful blessings I have in my life. My Jersey family easily tops the list.
This year, my kids made Thankful crowns that they sported to tell why they are thankful. I wanted them to think about their blessings and share with others. They were thankful for many, but Tyler wrote down:
"I'm thankful for the whole wide world."
And, Cassie wrote:
"I'm thankful for my family."
Baby Jake smile and the big kids said, he was thankful for milk!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Jacob, 5 months old

How is it even possible that my baby, Jacob, is five months old already?! Jake is a hunk and a love and we are so blessed to say the least. His favorite things include his brother & sister. His eyes are glued onto theirs and he just loves having them play with him! Its so nice to have such great help with baby Jake. I can cook dinner and know he is fully entertained with his Jersey siblings.
We started cereal and baby food this month. The doctor was quite surprised that he was content just being breast fed with how big he is. He is lapping it up like he has been eating it forever! I think he was trying to tell me "FINALLY mama!" Ha.
He is rolling over and if he wasn't so heavy, I'm sure he would be crawling. He wants to, but too much weight to move around. I'm just fine with him not crawling. So not ready to baby proof the house. I think soon, we will.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


A VERY fun Halloween for this Jersey family! Wizard of Oz was our theme, well, until the 6 year old said no thank you and independently picked out his skeleton costume.

They had a wonderful time, more candy than one village should have. The big kids got new electric toothbrushes that they paid 20 pieces of candy each for. My attempt to keep their teeth healthy and visits to the dentist to a minimum.

Needless to say, a fun-filled Halloween for this Jersey family.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fun on the Cool Water 2010

I know. I vowed to do a better job of bloggin', but have seemed to fail. Again! I guess I've been busy chasing three kids and all that goes with it, and something had to go. Unfortunately it was this.
A bit of recap. The kids and I ventured out west for 10 days of pure fun and giggles. My sister lake house cabin was nothing short of beautiful, as the Jersey kids were adventurous on the water with their cousins. It was "awesome" as the Jersey kids now recap their time out there to friends and family. I agree, in spades!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The good life

My good life.
How can one person be so blessed? Many years ago I set out to find my soul mate and find a life that was filled with love, passion and purpose. I have all of that, plus some!
Days like today, I try to sit back and take it all in. Nothing 'extra' special. The beautiful fall weather that includes amazing fall colors. Kids giggling from sun-up to sun-down. Hubby smiling big, working the fields where corn once stood. Looking out to his herd of remarkable Jerseys who continue to fill the pipeline and make a profitable business, home to our family and many others. We are blessed!
Now, there are days that this reminder isn't at the forefront of my thoughts.
Yesterday would of been one of those! I was parenting solo, which is more common than I like during this time of year. After a full day of writing, kids come home, snacks, homework, soaking it all up! Then off to the Y, to exercise and tumbling lessons for Cassie. Cassie fell off the mat during tumbling lessons and had a big, ol' goose egg on her head. She was tired and not feeling 100%. Lets just say the 7 o'clock hour wasn't the best hour around here. Especially, after a long, fun-filled, purpose driven day. Kids whining, baths, dinner, reading, nursing a baby. Well, everything didn't go as well as planned. I had to help kids with showers. "We can't get the water temperature just right." So, while I was up helping them, I forgot about dinner and it burnt. The smoke alarm went off, making baby Jake cry, which he rarely does!
No worries, it all worked out...we ended the night with big hugs, and everyone slept well, including me.
A day like today, especially after a night like last night, is so rewarding. I am easily reminded about my true blessings...and reminded that my headaches, are well, just that. If all I have to complain about is burnt bread, crying baby because of it and whining kids because they had a full day and handling this solo, while my husband works up the fertile soil that brings a wonderful life to us all....well, then my life is pretty, darn good.
Thanks for the reminder! Today, my smile, heart and soul widen!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Since of humor

I'm tyring to jot down cute lil' saying the kids say. Makes me smile & laugh.
Tyler has been coming home off the bus, with cute sayings or songs, such as:
"Mom, who do you hate?" I reply nobody, I don't like that word. Tyler says, "Mom you have to answer with something!" I said, "Okay, rats." Then, he says, "You're going to date a rat!" And...chuckles the whole walk home!

Next day he sings, "Mom & Dad sitting in a swing, k-i-s-s-ing. First comes love, then, came Tyler, then came Cassie, and four years later came baby Jacob. The end."

Cassie holds my hand down to the bus stop, jumping over all the cracks. She says the whole way down (and back), if you step on a crack, you gonna break your mama's back!

Can I keep them little, please?!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Summer Recap

How did I let the summer slip by without posting @ all?
I guess with the birth of my third child, county fair, west coast visitors and a 10-day vacation to Oregon, kept us busy to say the least.
Our third child arrived on June 12th at 2:20 a.m. Jacob surprised us all by tipping the scales at 11 pound, 9 ounces and stretched out to 20 inches long. He is a FAT and HAPPY baby and we are completely in love. He was very much welcomed home by us all, including his big brother Tyler and big sister Cassie. They adore him!!
My sister, Cathy, flew out surprising me to help for the week. The stars must aligned because she flew out on the day Jacob was born. She helped cook, clean and tend to the older kids, while also helping me adjust to a family of five and my postpartum state. Poor Tyler, he kept wondering "When is my mom coming home!" Cathy assured him that we would get to come home, and when we did, he was nothing but smiles!
A month later, Cathy flew back, along with her middle child, Colby, 6 and niece Rebecca and family friend Richard. There visit stretched out over 10 days and the Jersey kids loved it, as did I! The temps were hot and humid, but fun was had by all! The kids showed their calves at the fair, rode the rides, went to movies and to water parks. Richard kept everyone hydrated and fed well and Cathy snuggled with baby Jake every chance she got.
In early August, the kids and I flew 2,000 miles out to Oregon to visit my family. We were able to spend a few days at my sister's lake house cabin that has a fabulous view and the environment was amazing. Kids swam, tubed, snorkeled, knee board and laughed. It was so fun to watch them on the water and it was so much for to enjoy time with my sisters. My parents loved meeting grandchild #16 and I was so glad to spend time with them.
Now we are back in the grind of another school year. The kids are doing really wonderful at it, esp. Tyler. He absolutely loves 1st grade and is "rockin' it!" I hope the momentum continues and is contagious to those around him. Cassie is in pre-school and is doing swimming and tumbling. She is doing great, too.
A few snaps from the summer. I hope to be better at blogging on a regular basis. This will be my goal!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Moments before our life will change

I think I'm ready or perhaps as ready as I'll ever get to prepare for my life to change, yet again! Baby #3 is due today and although I'm sure today will pass with no birth, he will be here soon! I'm a mix of emotions, mostly excited.

Its just when its been a few years since you've had a baby, you begin questioning all sorts of things. Gosh, can I take the pain during labor? I smile because even though during the moment that the baby is being born is the most intense pain I've ever felt, it was quickly faded with the biggest joy and reward I've ever felt. So, I know I can!

More importantly, I wonder what is the recipe for success with my other two children? Mothering instinct is there and this baby will fall into some type of routine eventually or not. I think I've prepared myself, well, as much as I can, that this baby will be the crabbing one and will cry a lot. I was lucky with both Tyler and Cassie being good babies, its time that I get a crabby one. God will only give me what I can handle and I just need to embrace that.

Of course, the tossing and turning at nights the last month or so, have been praying that my lil' porkchop baby is healthy! I know he is thriving, estimated weight over 10 pounds, but I think its not until they come out and you can count 10 fingers, 10 toes and get the reassurance that the baby is healthy, that as a mother you can take a deep breath and relax.

I feel extremely blessed for the miracle inside me and so anxious to meet him. The Jersey kids are excited, too! AND...I know my hubby is excited, but he keeps telling me today isn't a good day to have a baby because of whatever farming he has going on. Soon, Scott will understand all too well, this isn't about us and we aren't in control. :)

Bruiser Boy

I received a phone call around the end of the school day that Tyler was in the school office, could I come and pick him up! I dashed over confused b/c Tyler has never been in trouble or in office before. Well, when I showed up, I broke down in tears. My coordinated son, trip over his own feet playing four-square during afternoon recess and biffed it on the blacktop. He never cried, of course I did! Ice-cream made him feel better and amazingly, in a few days, his battle scars were gone.

Jersey girl graduate

Yes, Miss Cassie Ann graduated from her first year of pre-school and she couldn't of been more excited. Love it. Love her. She is only three, so she will go another year, before heading off to kindergarten. She is so ready to go to the "big kindergarten school."
She is smart, savvy, sophisticated and all drama in a soon-to-be four-year-old body. Although, when it was time to sing and get her pre-K diploma, she was a bit shy, but very proud.
So are we! Graduates Cassie!!! Keep up the hard work.

Swim Girl

The Jersey kids LOVE swimming and have spent a great deal of 2010 in swim lessons. Its definitely paying off, they've improved their strokes! The Jersey girl has definitely improved this last session and thankfully, they both will get to swim a lot this summer.

Chopping Rye

A lil' catch-up since our last post. We've been busy...the days just fold into the next. Makes for tired Jersey kids and a happy Jersey mama! In early May, we chopped rye for our cattle. The kids, both big & small, absolutely live for this time of year. Where the wagons are greased and the chopper doesn't stop.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tyler Turns 6

How's it even possible that my "baby" is offically is 6?! He has been countin' down the days since the first of the year and is so excited to be 6...and soon, to be graduating kindergarten and onto first grade. He has really grown up and has really developed his own personality. Love it! Love him! He is all boy and his favirote things include collecting bugs, worms, frogs... He is all about trading Pokeman cards, much to my desmise, but I figure there could be worse things out there. He needs his own space now, and occasionally can be found with his bedroom door closed and a sign saying "No girls allowed." He secretly tells me, I can come in, but not Cassie! Thankfully, he still needs his mama to tuck him into bed at night, loves a good story to be read and has lots of hugs and loves...for now!
This year we celbrated at his requested spot, Jungle Bungle, which is a pizza place/kid zone...and to be honest, I felt a bit guilty with not having to prep or clean up! Kinda nice since Im 8 months pregnant! He, along with a handful of his friends played in teh bounce house and in the arcade. He thought for sure this was the "coolest party ever."
Today is his actualy birthday, my cinco de mayo baby and we will head to the farm after school so he can help finish chopping rye. He said, "Gosh mom, I'm the luckiest man alive." LOVE his simple requests and needs. I cherish 'em and him!
Happy Birthday Tyler!

Baby Belly

...eek, my belly has grown so much this pregnancy, much more than with Tyler or Cassie...I swear! I still have another month and cant imagine the belly expanding anymore. The kids love to rub the belly, sing to the belly and hug the belly. Cassie is known to sing her fave song requests to the baby, which warms my heart. Hopefully they'll be as found to the baby as they are to my belly!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Spring Plowin'

Spring 2010 has treated us extremely well in the Midwest. Temperatures unseasonable and allowing us to be ahead of schedule with field work. Music to my hubby's ears. The Jersey kids could NOT wait until the school bell rang and they could ride along with their father in the tractor.
They enjoyed blue skies, chirping birds, fertile soil...and oh yea, a baby bunny that nearly ran over. Thankfully, Scott stopped before he ran over the lil' bunny. So, now we are nursing an orphan bunny back to health and of course, this bunnies name is Peter.

Some Bunny

An Easter gift arrived in a box with a baby bunny inside. The Jersey kids couldn't be more excited. Scott found an old bunny cage that he had when he was a kid and fixed it up for the kids. Now, when they get home from school...and before breakfast in the of the chores is to feed, water and clean the cage. They do pretty good, esp. Tyler! They love to play with the bunny, which they named Dorothy. She is sweet and patient and a nice addition to our Jersey family.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Follow my farm stories

You can also follow my dairy stories on under the Dairy Farming section. There I will talk more about dairy farmers and our efforts to bring you fresh, great tasting, wholesome milk and dairy foods. I encourage you to travel with me to hear about ways farmers are preserving the land where we live and work; how we protect the air and water we share with neighbors and provide the best for our cows--the lifeblood of our business.

I will also share stories about my role as a mom, dairy farmer's wife and dairy enthusiast!

Log onto today!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Debut of spring weather

Jersey kids are super excited with the debut of spring in the Midwest and being able to spend extra time outside and at the farm. This week Cassie is studying "All about Farm" at pre-school, and by no surprise, she is leading the pack. They talked about cows, and it had a Jersey in it, and she informed the group these were the same cows her dad milks and they use their milk for dairy goodies such as cheese and ice-cream!

...and the count down is onto spring field work and who gets to ride with who! Its fun listening to the kids talk and get excited about the whole farming process! After all, they are true Jersey farm kids!